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Precision matters, RightSpot offers a practical solution
Gain valuable insights into the latest technology!
Now is the Time to Invest in Your Herd!
Discover the FCS Advantage: Your Farm’s Partner for Growth
Elite Crop group gathered for our annual member meeting
Proven is hosting a PQA Plus and TQA Certification Training.
Join Us February 6th!
We Reward Sustainability
See you there!
Join us to discuss opportunities in the grain market!
Save $50 per Pallet!
Add Dollars to Your Grain with Deferred+
Alternative routes available!
🚨 Exciting Update for Sanborn! 🚨 We've been working with CP Railroad, and we're happy to announce that they will be replacing the Sanborn rail crossing next week – something we've all been waiting for! 🙌 This will make all truck traffic smoother, especially as we head into this year's harvest.
Stress is a biological reaction that affects every class of cattle.
Protect your cattle investment with a strong start with FCS
Grain Check Direct Deposits Now Available!
INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Streamlining Grain Operations and Short Stature, Big Impact
Find the right seed for 2025
What are your 2025 goals?
Maximize Your ROI with Manure Testing
Thank you for attending!
FCS ensures top fertilizer quality via ISU partnership
Whether you're managing a feedlot or running cows on pasture, stress affects your cattle.
Join Aric and Tyson on the Newest Tailgate Talk!
FCS Customer Wins $5,227.46 in FREE Seed!
Learn more about how you can receive up to $50,000 pay out through Truterra and the USDA!
No paperwork, no approval, and all additional products qualify.
Special Discount at HTBC for Flood Recovery
These past few days have caused so much damage and hardship in our local communities, and without our communities, Farmers Coop Society ...
Optimism for soybean yields should still be as high as ever!
Over the past few years market access has started to take on new forms.
Unlocking Efficiency and Precision in Every Drop
There are multiple in season management decisions you can control that can improve your bottom line.
Join us June 4th or 5th to discuss grain marketing!
Spring of 2024 has caused some potentially significant nitrogen loss in certain fields.
Next Level Soil Testing Technology to Better Understand Your Fields
Pick Up Your Sullivan Supply & Purina Feed Products at the Fairs.
Farmers Coop Society Celebrates Groundbreaking of Member’s Cut!
Inside the issue: BioVerified: Helping Sort Through the Biological Market
Contact our originators at (712) 722-2671!
Join us on March 26th or 27th!
Click to see more of the new shed!
FCS will have a new seed treatment option targeting soybean cyst nematode (SCN) and Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) for spring of 2024 with addition of Ilevo from BASF.
Join us January 29th or 30th for a market update!
One very important, and sometimes overlooked, aspect of cow health is their mineral intake. Cows require a certain mineral intake each day for their bodies to function properly.
If you are interested in participating in Farmers Coop Society's Custom Feeding Program, click here for more information.
With the holiday season, FCS is giving our employees a little extra time off this year.
At Farmers Coop Society we strive to support our growers in as many ways as possible. One of the ways that we do this is by providing access to beneficial programs, including a variety of carbon credit programs.
The Board of Directors and Management of Farmers Coop Society are pleased to announce a multifaceted initiative, solidifying our dedication to efficiency and innovation. This plan involves the expansion of its grain handling capabilities at two of its locations: Sioux Center and Ireton.
Calves experience one of the more stressful periods of their lives as they are brought to the feed yard.
“In my opinion, there’s no better way to raise your family. I’m proud of that we do at every step,” Eric Oolman.
FCS's strategy of "High Road to High Yields" says a lot in a few words. It is rooted in a strong ethic of sustainability and environmental stewardship while developing and enhancing on farm production.
Join Tyson and Jim McDermott as they discuss importance of harvest timing!
Union Grove, the latest addition to the Farmers Coop Society family, is set to revolutionize your grain-handling experience. As our 10th facility and the 3rd in South Dakota, we couldn’t be more thrilled to welcome you to this state-of-the-art venture.
Inside this issue: Efficiency Meets Innovation at Union Grove
Receive a discount on all manure samples turned in during this promotion!
Union Grove, Ireton, and Alcester Open Houses happening this September! Don't miss out on the chance to check out these upgraded facilities.
Lock In your seed choices for planting season 2024. FCS offers an extensive lineup of corn and soybean genetics and traits. Our agronomy team is experienced and ready to help you build your strategy for next season.
Innovation is an important piece to any successful agriculture operation. Often when individuals think of innovation, they think of technological advancements, but that isn’t always the case. Meet Vaughn and Ben Johnson.
There are big things happening in the grain division at Farmers Coop Society. Our mission is to be a leader in innovation and excellence
In the last article we discussed the importance of talking about feed intakes and deliveries on a dry matter basis because cattle eat dry matter. This month, we’d like to dive more into bunk management.
Join Tyson and Josh Plueger as they discuss cover crops and how they can impact your operation.
The Iowa Soybean Association RCFI along with Two Degrees Adapt have a survey designed to assist in making decisions surrounding marginal land.
$25 per acre available with no acre cap!
Join Aric as he discusses what goes into quality aerial application with Bruce Van Beek at R & M Spraying.
Delay Billing Available FCS is offering a simple, 0% interest, delay billing option to customers for fungicide applications with no extra paperwork or hoops to jump through
Join us for the latest episode of Tailgate Talks discussing grasshoppers!
June Grain Market Recap! Join our experts as they discuss the impact of June's Stocks and Acres Report!
Effective on the close of business July 7th we will be closing free DP on new corn deliveries.
It's starting to really feel like summer! And as you turn bulls out, or prepare to, we need to remember some cow related truths. Cows will not cycle and rebreed if they are in a negative energy balance.
FCS has two high clearance Hagie sprayers set-up with 360 Yield Y-Drop nozzle technology. These machines give flexibility to apply nitrogen through corn tassel.
Unlock 100 Bushel Soybeans
Farmers Coop Society is proud to announce Jeff Koops has been recognized as one of Field to Market’s 2023 Trusted Adviser Spotlight Honorees!
This is the first of many feedlot specific updates that we will bring to you from the FCA Beef Group. The first two things we will discuss are two items that cost you nothing other than your time. One is bunk management and the other is feed storage management. These are both awkward conversations to have.
Grass and warm weather are finally here. As we get ready to turn bulls out we need to remember some cow related truths. Cows will not cycle and rebreed if they are in a negative energy balance.
The beef industry is a vital portion of the agricultural industry, and Farmers Coop Society is proud to be able to celebrate one of our many excellent beef producers, Jeremy Jansen.
Unlock 300 Bushel Corn
Field Day hosted by Iowa Learning Farms to be held June 6th near Ireton!
FCS App Privacy Policy
Crossings will be closed from May 22nd through May 29th, click here to learn more.
Starting this spring 2023 our new seed shed in Sanborn is open for business! Sanborn has long been a hub location for fertilizer, chemical, as well as bulk seed and seed treatment.
Inside this issue: Spotlight on Sanborn, No Basis Established, The Future is Now: Warden CX II, and Quality You Can Count On
This month on our monthly grain market recap P.J. Frederick joined Isaac to go over the major events in the grain market during March of 2023.
“Sustainability gives us the opportunity to make a profit, return our profits back into the operation, and grow in more than acres. It means being able to give back to the community.
The Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) promotes coordination of NRCS conservation activities with partners that offer value-added contributions to expand our collective ability to address on-farm, watershed, and regional natural resource concerns.
The grain markets are ever changing and can often be difficult to keep track of, our expert Isaac Buresch, along with Chad Richey, of MID-CO discuss the movements of the commodity markets in February 2023.
The Board of Directors and Management of Farmers Coop Society is pleased to announce the construction of a state-of-the-art grain elevator in southeast South Dakota. The “Union Grove” elevator will be located 9 miles directly south of Beresford, SD, and one quarter mile East of I-29 Exit 38. The construction will start this March and will accept soybeans in the Fall of 2023.
The Melvin location continues to grow along with the other locations within the Farmers Coop Society family. This location proves important to the community, providing quality agronomy, grain, and livestock services as well as being actively involved with the next generation of farmers through both 4-H and FFA.
Johnston, Iowa and Sioux Center, Iowa – January 12, 2023 – To help farmers adopt practices that improve soil fertility and conserve water, Growers Edge and Farmers Cooperative Society (FCS) have launched a new crop protection plan. This unique offering provides peace of mind and eliminates some of the risk of reduced yields while helping farmers make the switch to more environmentally friendly practices.
Innovation goes beyond technology. Being innovative means having new ideas and the ability to adapt to new tools and technologies. For ...
Truterra sustainability programs are designed to meet farmers where they are at in their sustainability journey, field-by-field.
Farmers Coop Society is committed to our core values of integrity, accountability, leadership, and innovation. We hold these ideals close ...
Iowa Learning Farms, Cover Crop Workshop to be held February 14th at the Sioux County Extension Office in Orange City!
Verlyn Raak, a local farmer south of the Sioux Center, has seen these increased demands and pressures placed on farmers and leans into the lessons his father taught him to protect the land with sustainable decisions and to try new ideas and technology.
The Alcester location was acquired by Farmers Coop Society in 2014. This location is located at the edge of town at 100 Iowa St, it is currently one of only two South Dakota locations and boasts the largest grain facility in the company.
The program recently paid our growers for their carbon credits and these are the results. From our first offering with Truterra, our growers received a total payout of...
Thank you to all our members who made 2022 another successful year. We look forward to being able to serve you better with each passing year.
It is the time of the year to start thinking about certifying or recertifying for your manure applicator’s license. State law requires manure applicators who remove manure from confinement feeding operations with more than 500 Animal Units (AU) to be certified.
Here is a quick refresher on other winter manure application regulations.
FCS will be offering Free DP on Monday 11/21/22
As your local cooperative, Farmers Coop Society actively strives to invest in the future of agriculture, this can be seen through facility upgrades, innovative programs, and community involvement.
Receive patronage, access additional markets, and reduce freight with FCS Direct Ship!
Iowa is the largest pork producer in the United States with approximately 5,400 hog barns.
Thank you to all our patrons that have made Farmers Coop Society a success for over 100 years!
College career fair season is here!
The How-To Building Center is excited to invite you all to our Open House Event on Saturday, October 1st, from 9 am -12 pm at 1478 11th Ave. NE, Sioux Center, IA.
As a cooperative, it's important for FCS to invest in other cooperatives that put the farmers first and invest in innovative technologies. Land O'Lakes is a partner actively finding new solutions for our growers to continue success today and in the future.
Manure testing and proper application to the land can reduce crop input costs; with fertilizer costs rising, it's extremely important to be precise with your application rates. In addition to FCS making it easy, we are offering a discount for all manure samples turned in during the week of September 12- 16th.
Meet our 2022 Interns!
Inside this issue: Higher Costs Pressure Producer's Returns, Today's Interns, Tomorrow's Leaders, CEO Comments, and more.
Receive extra discounts, other prizes, and a chance to win FREE seed this week only! September 6-16th!
This summer, we built a new cover crop seed storage system at our Sioux Center Agronomy Hub. This facility allows us to continue to be a leader in cover crop options for our growers. It expands our product portfolio by allowing us to offer more species, variety, and custom blends.
There has been a great deal of attention from the public, government, and the agricultural industry about using cover crops. So why is everyone so infatuated with the idea of using them?
As of June 30th, 19.3% of Western Iowa is considered abnormally dry and according to the forecast will continue to get drier. During the ...
Corn rootworms have your fields feeling down? We can help! This week on Tailgate Talks Aric and Kevin talk about innovative planter technology! One solution is implementing the SmartBox+ soil-applied insecticide products and SIMPAS application system.
Find out how you can Unlock 300+ Bushel Beans on this week's Tailgate Talks! Aric and Cody discuss how you can maximize your yield with in-season management decisions such as plant health/stress management and disease/insect prevention.
Questions on the new carbon offering? Here's a list of frequently asked questions that can get you started! If you want more information, contact Jeff Koops at 712-441-1352.
Farmers Cooperative Society (FCS) is bringing our growers additional access to profitable opportunities through Truterra’s carbon program, open now through June 30.
FCS is a proud supporter of the Western Iowa Dairy Alliance (WIDA). We are one of the many sponsors for the 14th WIDA Annual Open House which will feature the Schelling Family Dairy Farm this year.
NW Iowa had sites get down to 30 degrees on Sunday morning. Today the phone calls, for limited parts of NW Iowa, have been coming in. So, I thought that I would send this to help your decision making - if you have questions.
Check out our FCS Customer Account App!
Learn more about Grid Sampling on this weeks Tailgate Talk! Tyson and Aric discuss why grid sampling is the best approach to managing high fertilizer prices.
April 2022 has been the second windiest April in recorded history, second by only a tight margin.
The new, state of the art Liquid Fertilizer Plant is ready for action!
Farmers Coop Society and The How-To Building Center have partnered with the City of Sioux Center to provide more affordable housing in the Sioux Center Community.
Take a tour of the new, state of the art Liquid Fertilizer Plant. Increased efficiency, 24-hour farmer pick up, and multiple bulk bins for chemicals are a few of the highlights of this new facility.
Purina® Honor® Show cattle, lamb and goat feeds include PuriFerm™.
Due to heavy corn rootworm (CRW) pressures, some fields have not had soybeans planted for quite a few years. A significant agronomic consideration in situations like this is that you MUST add a seed-applied inoculant, failure to do so will lead to substantial yield loss.
At FCS, we value the safety and security of our employees. So, when the feed office knew they were in dire need of a new parking lot, they pulled together and did more than just talk about it.
As forage stands start to green up this spring, take time to evaluate the stands for any winter injury. It will be especially important to check stands that had significant armyworm damage last fall.
Inside this issue: Meet Your 2022 Board Of Directors, Agronomy: Investing in Speed and Efficiency, and Show Cattle Nutrition.
Warren is back with all the new facts this season! VOLATILE MARKETS. The market is starting to focus on the new crop, the continued conflict in Ukraine, and future weather projections in the U.S.
We would like to thank everybody who attended the Prospective Plantings and Grain Stocks Preview meeting!
Apply for conservation practice financial assistance through the RCPP, the Regional Conservation Partnership Program. Since you live in the Floyd River Watershed, you may be eligible!
Meet the 2022 Board of Directors!
We invite you to join us on Tuesday, March 29th at the Boyden Community Building for a Grain Customer Presentation.
Stop in and talk with our team if you have questions about Sullivan Supply Products!
It's Show Time! Let us help you with all your feed needs!
As the latest Truterra carbon offer is in full swing, it is a great time to discuss factors that affect carbon sequestration in soil.
Ag Leader and Precision Planting Monitors for Spring
PQA is designed to help pig farmers and their employees use best practices to promote food safety.
The supply chain issues have impacted our Precision Ag equipment as well.
We are proud to be a part of the 25th Annual Sioux Falls Farm Show located at the Denny Sanford Premier Center. Our booth is #822 so stop by and see all of our latest agricultural technology and services we offer!
Thank you to all who attended the Elite Crop Data Review Meeting!
Precision Farming has changed farming in many ways for the better. These tools have improved efficiency, allowed for more hours worked, ...
Leading Producers with Innovation and Excellence - our company’s vision statement guides us each and every day to provide innovative solutions to all of our customers. With our newest offering, Innovation Assurance, we couple the benefits of innovation and sustainability by utilizing cutting edge products and expertise from your FCS Agronomy team with the peace of mind of a money-back warranty.
Elite Crop Group Data Review is where the power of our group data comes together to create innovative solutions and discussions that you can take back to your operation and increase efficiencies and drive yields.
Another grain harvest is successfully in the books for you and your cooperative. It was a very good year for our patrons and Farmers Coop ...
Carbon Credits.... Carbon Neutral.... Carbon Sequestration... Sustainability.....these are all popular topics in today’s society.
Questions on our carbon offering? Here's a list of frequently asked questions that can get you started! If you want more information, contact Jeff Koops at 712-441-1352.
As a member of Farmers Cooperative Society, you gain access to many benefits that help support your operation. One of these benefits is access to Land ‘O Lakes Truck Purchasing Program.
Farmers Cooperative Society (FCS) is bringing access to the 2022 Truterra™ carbon offering on the heels of high farmer interest and participation in Truterra’s inaugural carbon program launched in February 2021.
Farmers Coop Society is announcing a change in grain and agronomy office/location hours, effective December 6th.
How are you planning to overcome chemical supply issues for next season? Partner with FCS to plan ahead and to help you ensure product supply.
Supply chain issues have become a global phenomenon over the past 18+ months, and agriculture is beginning to feel some real supply effects that could impact your 2022 decision-making.
We offer several different Precision Ag software platforms featuring compatibility across most makes and models. Find the right solution for your operation and enjoy optimal efficiency.
Complete our form to request a quote for the precision ag product(s) in which you are interested and one of our representatives will contact you shortly.
The full-service approach we take provides you with the right precision ag solutions and the support you need to get more out of every acre.
Cooperatives are based on the idea of cooperation and October is National Coop Month. During Harvest every year we come together to say thank you to our farmers, our members, and our owners. Thank you!
Inside this issue..Getting ROI Out of High Priced Fertilizer!
For over 10 years, our Agronomy department has offered several internships. Our program is developed so that students interested in agriculture can gain real world experience and knowledge.
Maximize Your Manure! Sampling week is Sept 13-17th! Sample your manure this week and get discounts!
Want to try new and innovative microbiologicals or sustainable agronomic options like cover crops? Worried about the risk vs reward? Try our NEW money back assurance program!
Back again with another Tailgate Talks! 🎥🎥 Aric and Josh are talking cover crop benefits! Cover Crops can provide some 💰💰 benefits and environmentally sustainable choice for you and your acres.
Do you use cover crops? Should you plant rye? Radish? Oats? Don't know? Aric and Josh help us decide what to chose and what's the best way to apply cover crops. FCS carries a full line-up of state licensed cover crop, as well as, custom seeding options that include custom drilling, aerial application, high clearance air seeing ground application, and broadcast seeding.
Why is everyone so infatuated with the idea of using them? First, there are many environmental benefits from having cover crops.
Craig Hoftyzer, of the Boyden area, won the grand prize of $37374.26 worth of FREE DEKALB/Asgrow seed.
FCS is once again offering 0% interest delayed beginning until January 15th of 2022 for fungicides, insecticides, surfactants, micros, biologicals, and application for customers with a paid up to date FCS account for 0% interest, no additional fees or paperwork!
Fungicides that contain additional plant health components such as Veltyma, Revytek, and Miravis Neo can help reduce this stress hormone and therefore assist the plant when dealing with in season stress.
Want to get a contract completed quickly? Need to capitalize on the grain market when you can? Start signing your FCS grain contracts electronically TODAY!
FCS is always looking for ways to continuously improve our innovation and technology as a company.
Aric and Tyson are back together and they are talking mid-season insecticides! Do you have corn rootworm issues or seeing some alfalfa weevil damage from the dry conditions? They talk you through some options that might work for you!
It is important that equipment either increase yield or offer an operational efficiency. Most farmers are doing things right and getting good yields, so what new technology could help improve your farming operation?
Inside this issue...Boyden Facility Upgrades & Improvements
Drought stress can certainly have a negative impact on crop yields and with our current corn and soybean prices, every bushel can mean a lot per acre taken away or put into your pocket. Here are a couple a tools that could make a difference this season.
Aric and Paul talk about the number of soybean varieties on the market today and how post application has changed in the last few years. They cover Xtend®, Enlist E3®, and XtendFlex®. **When applying herbicide always follow product label!
Ever wondered if micronutrients would help you? Our tissue sampling data says that 60% of the time your crop is deficient in nutrients at that critical V5 stage. Bridge that gap with select micronutrients.
Matt talks today's Crop Progress Report and the impact on the grain markets.
Matt talks today's WASDE Report and the impact on the grain markets.
Warren Drew gives a quick recap of the recent USDA Grain Report. As of today, Iowa has 89% of Corn planted and 67% of soybeans planted.
Intensive grid soil sampling is the base for any good soil fertility program.
Braden Kooiker gives a quick recap of the recent USDA Grain Report. As of today, Iowa has 69% of Corn planted and 40% of soybeans planted
Cash Price Offers are one of the most versatile and effective tools available to producers to market their grain.
The vast majority of soybeans are treated prior to planting because of the risk protection and ROI they can provide. However, there are a lot of soybean seed treatment options available on the market today, which can make them hard to sort out which of these tools will best fit your farm.
Braden Kooiker gives a quick recap of the recent USDA Grain Report. As of today, Iowa has 69% of Corn planted and 40% of soybeans planted
Warren Drew gives a quick recap of the recent USDA Grain Report.
Braden Kooiker gives a quick recap of the recent USDA Grain Report.
Typically, liquid manure in NW Iowa is land- applied in the fall, as it gives us the greatest timeframe to get manure pumped. However, fall conditions are not always fit to apply manure, and fall manure application can lead to higher soil erosion losses and nutrient losses through leaching, volatilization, and runoff.
2020 was a year of anomalies and depending on your perspective, it was a year to remember or a year you would like to forget.
Soybean gall midge was first noted in Northeastern Nebraska in 2011 and Eastern South Dakota in 2015. Midge infestations were isolated and spread slowly before detected in Northwestern Iowa in subsequent growing seasons. In 2018, soybean gall midge spread quickly and was confirmed in 65 counties, including 16 in Western Iowa.
Corn has a high demand for Zinc (Zn) relative to other crops. It’s an essential micronutrient that is a component of various enzymes that are responsible for driving metabolic reactions in a plant. Growth and development would stop if specific enzymes were not present in plant tissue.
FCS Beef Specialists are currently offering a booking contract for Purina Loose Mineral & Mineral tubs now through March 22nd!
Interested in hearing about breakthrough technology for Agriculture? 360 Yield Center will be hosting an online viewing event on January 26th. Click to register!
Marlyn has close to 1,000 acres of crop production and 750 sows in his farrow to finish swine operation. He says, “Every year is different, and most years one of the operations pulls the other one through.”
Inside this issue: Producer Spotlight, Precision Ag Equipment News, and Expanded Financing Options for you!
Farmers Coop Society is asking for your help!
Braden Kooiker gives a quick recap of the recent USDA Grain Report.
This Fall has been an exciting time in the equipment market. The companies that we work with continue to show and bring innovative products ...
Ag Leader has launched a few new products! Introducing SteerCommand Z2 and SteadySteer!
Advance Lending is a three-tiered program that gives our growers a decreasing interest rate based on business commitment level. By offering our growers a competitive interest rate we are allowing you to free up your capital to maximize your income potential, maximize your yields, and reduce your financial risk.
I recently took a manure sample on a hog barn that has had annual testing done on it to get an idea of any changes that may have occurred this year. The sample was taken about six weeks earlier than it had typically been taken.
Starting cattle is highly critical as we bring them in, and setting up those first couple weeks for success is our main goal.
Elite Crop can help take you to the next level of improving your fertilizer efficiencies and increasing your Return on Investment (ROI).
Effective weed control in soybeans has become more and more of a challenge as time goes on. The days of Roundup® cleaning up any field, regardless of weed pressure or species, is a distant memory at this point.
On Wednesday September 16th, the FCS Agronomy department did a new first of its kind event that we called our Safety Field Day. This event took place at our outside at our Sioux Center Agronomy location at 9:00am and again at 1:00pm that day so that all employees could attend.
Inside this issue: Profitable Fertilizer Decisions, Immune Support Technology, Potential Changes in Manure Analysis
We just finished the 2020 year for FCS and, while we are still crunching through the numbers and finalizing some details, it looks to be a good year for your cooperative. What a difference a year makes.
Get your manure tested this week only and get discounts!
This week ONLY! September 8-18, 2020 Get special financing until December 2021 + extra discounts + early cash discount options! Farmers ...
With the dry conditions not being idea for crop development, don't lose more yield by waiting too long to harvest!
Don't miss out on these savings!
Timely harvest helps insures that you maximize your yield and the economics of drying are relatively cheap at an equivalent of 1/100 of a bushel of corn per 1 point of drying.
Cover Crop season is here! Now is the time to get yours scheduled!
Braden talks the recent Crop Progress Report.
Farmers Coop Society announces today that we will be opening our second location for our How-To Building Center Hog Store in Melvin, IA the first week of August 2020.
Congratulations to the 2019-2020 Seed Week promotion winners. Farmers that purchase seed from FCS were eligible. During our Seed Week early ...
As we get closer to the fall, be sure to plan for manure testing. It is always a good idea to test manure so you know the nutrients of your manure, whether it be liquid or dry, so that you can take full advantage of the nutrients available. If you have any questions regarding manure testing or would like your pit or stockpile tested, please feel free to contact me.
As harvest approaches, we encourage you to look at the offerings from 360 Yield Center and at using a combination of the 360 CHAINROLL and 360 YIELD SAVER.
Summer rebate programs and aggressive financing options are available through August! If you're interested in finding out more about these programs, please contact Scott De Jong (712) 229- 2968 or Kevin Rozenboom (712) 441-3453.
Managing price risk is the most challenging aspect of farming.
Braden talks the recent Crop Progress Report.
Timing of fungicide applications has a significant impact on yield response. Timing of application is basically directly tied to the type ...
Iowa State University Extension does a large scale fungicide testing trial for both corn and soybeans annually to compare new and existing fungicide technologies.
Farmers Coop Society wants to ensure a strong future for the agriculture industry by supporting the future generations. This year, Farmers Coop Society awarded $1000 scholarships to eight high school seniors. Congratulations to our 2020 Scholarship recipients!
Now's the time to save BIG on Precision Planting Offers today! These are a limited-time savings on 20|20, vDrive, DeltaForce, and ...
Ag Leader announced new promotions on InCommand Planting Equipment! Don't miss this opportunity to upgrade!
If you are burying or composting dead animals, please keep in mind that there are rules and regulations set by the DNR that you must follow.
Farmers Coop Society is now offering Minimum Price Contracts.
Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship announced the launch of a Resource Coordination Center to support Iowa livestock producers affected by supply chain disruptions due to the coronavirus pandemic.
WIN $250 statement credit by signing up for electronic payments by May 1!
View your monthly statements, grain transactions, make grain offers, agronomy billing, and manage your FCS notifications all from our FCS Customer Account App! Available now in your App Store or Google Play.
Our Spring 2020 Magazine is now available! Inside this issue you will find: "Using Data To Improve My Profits: Featuring Gary & Brad Den Herder", "PROVEN Swine Management Introducing Logan Huisman", "Meet our Eastern and Western Grain Managers" and much more!
Proven Swine Management is a service that Farmers Coop Society has been offering for the past several years and has seen significant growth due to the demands of our customers. Recently, we have expanded our services, hiring a veterinarian to continue to meet our customers’ needs.
We wanted to take a moment to update you on the latest information regarding our response to the COVID-19 situation across our state and region. As you all know, this is a very fluid situation and things are changing daily. At Farmers Coop Society, the health and well-being of our employees and our customers is our primary concern.
“Yield matters more than price." This quote is something that still drives the Den Herder operation today. They may not be able to control the grain markets, but they can make educated business decisions to impact their yields.
Farmers Coop Society recently held a set of meetings for our Professional Applicators and our Agronomy Operations Team. Training and ...
Recently, the Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig announced that the Sioux County Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) will be receiving another grant that will help the program expand the water quality improvement (WQI) projects happening in the Floyd River watershed.
After a wet harvest making decisions for manure management, storage and application can be very challenging. You may have limited opportunities to apply during the growing season and if harvest is wet, you may have to store manure for longer than anticipated.
Recently the Iowa Soybean Association (ISB) completed a study with 20 Iowa farmers that discovered that farmers could save millions of dollars in input costs by reducing their nitrogen application rate.
Your livestock production operation's profitability depends greatly on your buildings and their maintenance.
Tyson Martinmaas, our South Dakota Agronomist, is participating in a one-year leadership development program sponsored by the South Dakota ...
On January 27th, Elite Crop members gathered at Crossroads Pavilion in Sheldon for the annual Elite Crop Member Meeting.
Below is a list of public training sites and dates sponsored by Bayer for January and February 2020. More dates are available in March.
It’s that time of year again when we have to start shoveling snow off our sites. Depending on how much we get and how hard the wind blows can determine how long it takes us to clean them out. Here are some tips on snow removal that will help us be more efficient when delivering your feed:
Mergers and acquisitions of major ag chemical suppliers are beginning to significantly reshape the business. Is this a good thing or a bad thing for your farm in 2020? That depends...but make sure to take a deeper look for 2020.
Producers have had extreme market volatility this past year. It has been an interesting year in the swine industry with the trade wars with China. We also continue to feel the effects of African Swine Fever (ASF) going through China and other countries in Asia
In order to have healthy calves that will hit the ground running and continue to perform to their highest ability, we need to be focusing on the cows every single day.
Our Winter 2019 Magazine is now available! Inside this issue you will find: "New Marketing Options", "Chemical Rebates Altering The Business", "Spotlight on Alcester, SD" and much more!
As of December 1, 2019 all your FCS Feed locations will be Ractopamine free, this would include Paylean and Engain. We will no longer be ...
It is the time of the year to start thinking about certifying or re-certifying your manure applicator’s license. State law requires manure applicators who remove manure from confinement feeding operations with more than 500 Animal Units (AU) to be certified. Operations with less than 500 AU as well as open feedlots are exempt from this certification. However, these sites MUST still follow state laws when applying manure.
Weather, markets, trade concerns, and a difficult and intermittent harvest have made 2019 a year of various challenges for producers. This past year also provided us with some marketing opportunities that we had not seen for several years. Farmers Coop Society is working hard to help our producers overcome some of their challenges and take advantage of the opportunities that the markets present with some new contract options.
Last Thursday, FCS held our 112th Annual Board Meeting. At the meeting we presented the results of the election for the Board of Directors. ...
Farmers Coop Society will be holding our 2019 Annual Meeting for our class A Member on Thursday, December 5th starting with dinner at ...
Check out all the deals, rebates, and promotions we are offering before the end of the year!
Overnight trade in corn mostly rangebound, with soybeans somewhat choppy. Corn up .5¢ at $3.8375, and January soybeans trading lower .5¢ at $9.24. Not exciting volume totals yesterday in corn, with open interest higher 4,889 contracts. Soybean open interest somewhat interesting with SF lower by 1,100 contracts, while March is higher by ~4,300.
Have you heard about our FCS IMPACT Program?
Farmers Coop Society in Sioux Center, IA talks our Extended Price Grain Contract for Harvest 2019. We provide you with examples and the advantages as well as the disadvantages!
Farmers Coop Society has been offering paid agronomy summer internships for nearly 10 years. Our program is designed to offer students ...
Many of you are gearing up for what is hopefully a fruitful 2019 harvest. Crops look good in northwest Iowa, southwest Minnesota, and ...
Iowa State University conducted a three year research project where they studied the timing of manure application, stabilizers, and how it all impacts your corn yields.
Roger Feekes, who has been farming his entire life in northwest Iowa, did his first ever no till/cover crops field. Roger typically manages his fields in a “traditional” way of tilling before he plants each spring. But this year, Roger was interested in cover crops for a variety of reasons.
DON'T MISS MANURE SAMPLING WEEK! SEPTEMBER 16-20!Receive a discount on all manure samples brought in for testing during that week! ...
Crop report out of the way with few surprises. Corn carryout, both old and new showed negative numbers but short-term dynamics and market make up open the door for additional price strength.
It has been quite a ride so far in 2019 with the weather, foreign trade policy uncertainty and grain market volatility we have experienced. All of this volatility and uncertainty puts even more emphasis and importance on utilizing the risk management tools we have available to assist you with.
Our Fall 2019 Magazine is now available! Inside this issue you will find: "Cover Crops Worked for Roger Feekes", "The Harvest Benefits of Doing Business With Your Coop", "You Have One Shot at a Good Start" and much more!
Manure Testing Week is September 16-20, 2020! Get a discount on sampling this week only!
Doug Baade, an FCS Grain Originator, walks us through the the crop conditions and the threat to the market today.
Lock in your 2020 seed during September 2-13, 2019 and be registered to win Free Seed for 2020!
Markets recovering some of yesterday’s losses on lower than expected crop ratings and mounting concerns toward final yield potential. Pro Farmer crop tour talk also adding some strength. At 0630 CZ19 up $0.04 at $3.78 ½ with SX19 trading $0.07 higher at $8.73½. Yesterday corn volume a muted 290K contracts with OI down 5K indicating long liquidation.
Farmers Coop Society talks the current crop conditions, denting, and soybean pods with our new Grain Marketing Specialist!
Our Western Grain Marketing Specialists, Doug Baade, talks the recently released USDA Reports. Click here to see what the 2019 Area Planted, 18/19 Carryout, and 2019 Yields numbers are today.
Farmers Coop Society is still offering On Farm Pickup! This is a simple service that saves our customers time and money! Are you busy in ...
This year FCS is offering a new and simple no interest delayed billing option for customers for corn and soybean fungicide applications ...
Seed Week Winners are announced!
Hagie High Clearance Liquid Machines with 360 Y-Drops Feature: High clearance machine with the ability to go through full size corn 360 Y ...
Doug Baade, our Grain Originator talks about the UDSA Report!
Do you have a well on your yard or out in a field that is no longer in use? Or one that is in a state of disrepair? Did you know that there ...
U.S. row crop producers have been involved in one of the longest bear markets in history, dating back to perhaps the 1980s. Beginning in ...
In this part of the world, the swine industry is in desperate need for quality, responsible, and industrious labor.
When you think of Little Rock, their Annual Corn Show comes to mind. However, the small town of Little Rock has a lot more to offer. Our Little Rock location has seven grain bins, a fertilizer shed, a chemical shed, a seed shed, an equipment/truck shop, and a feed storage shed.
Do you strive for more yield? There are many things that go into getting more yield. Everyone works hard on the big yield drivers, but sometimes we forget the small things. The producers that chase high yields do the big things right, but also focus on the small things, such as foliar nutrition.
If you've experienced gully erosion this spring you may qualify for a new program called EQIP Ephemeral Gully Erosion Pilot Project. To participate you must be signed up by June 21st!
Emotion often plays a leading role in day to day price action.
In the next few years, you may be able to have your Amazon package delivered right to your door—not by the mailman, but by a drone or UAV. Do you have a drone on your operation to use or play with?
Matt McCord, our FCS Grain Merchandiser, talks the newly released June USDA Report.
Company Comments from our CEO
It is that time of the year again! The snow and ice have finally melted and it is time to buckle down and start working with the 4-H steers ...
CZ19 is nearly identical to the 2015 contract high.
Don't lose hope yet!
It has been more than twenty years when GPS based manual guidance was first made available. Back then the idea of a tractor or a combine ...
This past year posed numerous problems for farmers having fuller-than-normal pits. Many pits were full prior to harvest, making application difficult or forcing farmers to apply manure too early in the fall.
As the average age of farmers and producers continues to rise, we need to take a step back and think about what we can do to ensure that the upcoming generations of swine producers will have a future in the industry.
Although confinement applicator and commercial applicator trainings have been completed– at least in terms of the live training—you can ...
As we look back at 2018, a year most of us in the farming industry would rather forget, we dealt with an over-abundance of precipitation. ...
Company Comments from our CEO
If you’re from Northwest Iowa you know that the hog industry is big business around this area. As you drive through the country you will ...
We would like to take a moment and say thank you to all of our understanding customers and all of our hard-working employees.
The Hunger Free Kids of Sioux County Auction will take place Friday, March 29th at the Dordt College Rec Center.
On Friday February 15th the FCS Agronomy department held our annual Applicator Retreat at Stoney Creek Hotel in Sioux City Iowa. All of the ...
Dicamba based products are restricted use pesticides. Iowa requires that all applicators are registered as certified applicators. Below is ...
Tuesday, February 26th | Alcester Agronomy Shed 10am Meeting | Lunch to Follow
Jared Terpstra, our Feed Division Manager, has been chosen to be an active member of Purina's New Generation Feed Advisory Group.
Quiet overnight trade after sharp gains yesterday in true “Turn Around Tuesday” fashion. Markets continue in a sideways random walk looking ...
On Monday February 4th, Elite Crop members gathered for the 8th Annual Elite Crop Member Meeting in Sheldon, IA. About 65 producers were in ...
Farmers Coop Society is currently running a Planter Meter Inspection Promotion! Click to find out more information!
Below is a list of public training sites and dates sponsored by Bayer for February. More dates are available in March.
Enjoy your new ride!
When you first walk into the Feed Office in Sioux Center you immediately notice the noise. You think, this office is busy and then immediately you are greeted with a smile.
Farmers Coop Society participated at the 22nd Annual Sioux Falls Farm Show January 23rd - 25th.
FCS invites you to our 2019 Cow Calf Meeting on Tuesday, January 15th at 5:45pm.
Farmers Coop Society is at the Dakota Farm show this week! And our Precision Ag team is ready to help answer any questions!
"Looking forward to 2019, I suggest we look at some of the items that show a promising return on investment (ROI) in the precision equipment market."
Webster Dictionary defines biosecurity as: "Security from exposure to harmful biological agents and measures taken to ensure this ...
In the spring of 2017 the Little Rock location began expanding their grain capacities. This project was finally completed in September- ...
What do you know about your cost per bushel? Most of us know the cost of raising one bushel of corn or soybeans across an entire farm ...
Click here to see the 2018 FCS test plot results!
The success of FCS is driven by the success of our farmers therefore making the best possible agronomic recommendations is at our core. FCS ...
Having problems with FCS GRIDVIEW? Click HERE to find an educational video on the app. Additional questions on FCS GRIDVIEW? Find our FAQ ...
Organic seed, organic soil amendments, and other organic product offerings from Farmers Coop Society.
2022 Test Plot Results 2021 Test Plot Results 2020 Test Plot Results
2021 Test Plot Results 2020 Test Plot Results 2019 Test Plot Results 2018 Test Plot Results
2020 Test Plot Results 2019 Test Plot Results 2018 Test Plot Results
2019 Test Plot Results 2018 Test Plot Results
2018 Test Plot Results
2022 Test Plot Results 2021 Test Plot Results 2020 Test Plot Results
2023 Test Plot Results 2022 Test Plot Results 2021 Test Plot Results 2020 Test Plot Results
Livestock futures overview
For over 100 years, Farmers Coop Society has been a leader in animal agriculture and the one of the largest feed manufacturer in Northwest Iowa.
Feeding show animals to get the optimum results can be tricky. It should be a balanced nutrition strategy that helps performance as well as provides the right amount of protein and energy. FCS is proud to partner with Purina to offer our customers the Purina Honor Show feeds to help build your customized feeding programs.
Our Swine Production Team will put together feed budgets, walk your barns, monitor herd health, mark fat hogs, and explore marketing ...
At Farmers Coop Society, we utilize 110,000 bushels of corn a day out of five feed mills, giving us an opportunity to be aggressive in the ...
Farmers Coop Society's First Board of Directors-1907
Farmers Coop Society has been proudly serving our members since 1907. We are a progressive Coop and offer our customers a variety of ...
We know how important it is for you to conduct business fast and easy. That's why we offer our customers multiple types of electronic ...
Farmers Coop Society has been proudly serving our members since 1907. We are a progressive Coop and offer our customers a variety of ...
Farmers Coop Society is committed to our customers and offers several financing options for our customers to assist them with day-to-day purchases as well as vital operation expenses.
Farmers Coop Society (FCS) has a well-established and structured summer internship program available during the summer months of May ...
There are over 7.8 billion people in the world. There are 2.01 million farmers in America. Farmers Coop Society is proud to partner with over 3,000 local farmers. Those 3,000 local farmers have the tough job of producing enough food for the world, doing it in a sustainable manner, all while creating a family legacy at the same time. These are our growers. And these are their stories.
FCS is proudly supporting the following FFA Chapters: Akron Westfield FFA Chapter Alcester Hudson FFA Chapter Boyden Hull FFA Chapter ...
Farmers Coop Society will help ensure a strong future for the agricultural industry by awarding scholarships to high school students ...
Farmers Coop Society is proud of the communities we have the privilege of operating in. We support the organizations of our communities, ...
Thank you for your interest in Farmers Cooperative Society. We will be in touch shortly.
Thank you for your submission! The form you completed has been submitted successfully. Please reach out to the Sioux Center Main Office at ...
There’s a revolution happening in agriculture today, and precision technology is on the front lines. The way we farm has changed thanks in ...
Designed to support ROI objectives, Elite Crop gives producers a clear picture of on-farm activities using data analytics.
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