PROVEN Swine Management

Our Swine Production Team will put together feed budgets, walk your barns, monitor herd health, mark fat hogs, and explore marketing options with you.
Brady Goslinga
Swine Production Manager
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Brady Goslinga
Brady Goslinga began working for Farmers Coop Society in 2011. He is currently the Proven Swine Production Manager. He graduated from Dordt University in 2011. Brady’s favorite part of his job is the opportunity to play an important role in producing some of the safest, highest quality protein in the world.
Certifications: Pork Quality Assurance Advisor and Transport Quality Assurance Advisor
Kyle Heynen
Swine Marketing Manager
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Kyle Heynen
Kyle Heynen began working for Farmers Coop Society in 2009. He is currently the Proven Swine Marketing Specialist. He graduated from Northwestern College in 2008. Kyle’s favorite part of his job is developing relationships within the industry to enhance profitability and sustainability now and into the future.
Logan Huisman
Veterinarian, DVM
PROVEN Office:
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Logan Huisman
Dr. Logan Huisman began working for Farmers Coop Society in 2019. He is currently the Proven Swine Veterinarian. He graduated from Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine in 2014. Logan’s favorite part of his job is working with our field staff and growers to optimize pig health and performance.
Certifications: Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine, ISU 2014, Pork Quality Assurance Advisor
Mindi Hulshof
Contract Labor Coordinator
Ireton Office
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Mindi Hulshof
Mindi Hulshof began working for Farmers Coop Society in 2000. She is currently a Swine Specialist & Equipment Coordinator. She graduated from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 1995. Mindi’s favorite part of her day is working with local producers to help make their operations successful.
Certifications: PQA Advisor, TQA Advisor