
Farmers Coop Society is bringing access to the 2022 Truterra carbon offering and carbon market access program to our producers! This will allow our producers to get rewarded for stewardship practices.
Q. What is Truterra doing for carbon in 2022?
A. Truterra is offering farmers two different options to get involved in the carbon market in 2022. Similar to last year’s program, the 2022 Truterra carbon program allows farmers who recently adopted selected regenerative practices (practices such as cover crops, or reduced or no-tillage, adopted to benefit crop year 2017 and later) to be rewarded for their stewardship. In addition, Truterra is offering a new program, the Truterra carbon market access program, to farmers who are just beginning selected conservation practices (fall 2021 and later).
Q. What is the payment amount for the 2022 Truterra carbon market access program?
A. The Truterra carbon market access program will pay farmers $2 per acre for eligible practice changes made in fall 2021/spring 2022 for crop year 2022.
Q. How will Truterra determine how much carbon is in my field?
A. Soil organic carbon levels will be measured using both crop modeling, as well as in-field sampling. Truterra will cover the cost of soil sampling on the fields they seek to enroll in the program to evaluate soil carbon levels. Soil sampling data will then be evaluated along with up to eight years of historic data on soil management practices (three years baseline data, plus each year of practice change data up to five years) to determine how much of the sampled carbon is the result of the regenerative practices.
Q. How much carbon might be in my soil? Can I estimate my carbon amount before I commit to participating?
A. Data from the Soil Health Institute, a Truterra collaborator, indicate one acre of regeneratively managed soil can sequester between .2 to .75 tons of carbon annually, depending on region, practices, and soil types. Farmers who express an interest in the Truterra carbon program can receive an indication of the range of carbon they can anticipate monetizing as a part of the enrollment process.
Q. I have been considering adopting these practices, but I have not yet started. Can I participate in the Truterra carbon market access program?
A. Yes. Farmers who begin implementing qualified practices in fall 2021 or later qualify for the Truterra carbon market access program and can earn $2 per acre while maintaining all carbon rights.
Q. What happens if I must change my practices for some reason? Will I have to repay for carbon that might have been released if I had an unanticipated practice change?
A. No. Truterra understands some changes are beyond farmers’ control and is employing a risk management strategy to account for the limited number of such instances.
Do you have more questions about the carbon offering? Contact Jeff Koops at 712-441-1352 or email him at