
Spring of 2024 has caused some potentially significant nitrogen loss in certain fields. The highest risk situations include fields with early fall manure applications, fall anhydrous not protected with N-Serve, early spring applications not protected with Instinct, fields that have had standing water for periods of time, and if early nitrogen rates were low to begin with.
Products Available for In Season Nitrogen
FCS carries a complete lineup of bulk nitrogen including UAN, ATS, Urea, AMS, ESN, and anhydrous nitrogen fertilizers along with multiple foliar options.
Application Options
Custom Services
FCS has topdress options for dry fertilizers that include spinner and aerial. Liquid can be applied with Y-Drops through our high clearance Hagie machines.

Self-Applied Options
FCS has dry fertilizer buggies, UAN and anhydrous toolbars available.
Precision Variable Rate Available
Our custom UAN with Y-Drops are capable of variable rate prescriptions and can also use OptRx sensors for real time crop needs-based applications.
Testing for Nitrogen
Evaluating how much nitrogen is likely available in a field is complex, however there are a couple of primary testing methods that can be a part of the overall decision-making process.
Tissue Sampling
Tissue testing is a snapshot test of nitrogen in the plant on that time/day. This test can be useful if it’s added to the deeper understanding of the field management and weather to date.
Soil and Stalk Nitrate Testing
Soil nitrate testing can be a useful tool for in season management
decisions. This testing needs to be done timely and have it added to the
deeper understanding of the field management and weather pattern to
date to help make good decisions. This testing is typically done at a
12” soil depth and can be a stand alone or more intense testing pattern
as showcased in the Iowa State Extension video.

Next level soil nitrate testing using our Level 2 N-Tensification program is built with an intense 20 acre soil nitrate sample pattern along with 20 acre end of season stalk nitrate testing. The soil nitrate is designed to be used for the in-season management and the stalk nitrate gives a report card on how much nitrate was left at the end of season.