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Feed News

Student Tours


As your local cooperative, Farmers Coop Society actively strives to invest...

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Pork Producer Spotlight

Feed , Grain

Iowa is the largest pork producer in the United States with approximately...

National Coop Month
Coops and Communities, Stronger Together

Agronomy , Feed , Grain

Thank you to all our patrons that have made Farmers Coop Society a success...

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Maximize Your ROI Though Manure Testing

Agronomy , Feed

Manure testing and proper application to the land can reduce crop input...

National Dairy Month Logo
WIDA Annual Open House

Agronomy , Feed , Grain

FCS is a proud supporter of the Western Iowa Dairy Alliance (WIDA). We are...

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Tailgate Talks: Grid Sampling

Agronomy , Feed

Learn more about Grid Sampling on this weeks Tailgate Talk! Tyson and...

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The Power of PuriFerm™


Purina® Honor® Show cattle, lamb and goat feeds include PuriFerm™.