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Grain News

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Tailgate Talks: Maximizing Manure Benefits

Agronomy , Grain

Maximize Your Manure! Sampling week is Sept 13-17th! Sample your manure...

Tailgate Talks: Introducing Innovation Assurance

Agronomy , Grain

Want to try new and innovative microbiologicals or sustainable agronomic...

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Tailgate Talks: Cover Crop Benefits

Agronomy , Grain

Back again with another Tailgate Talks! 🎥🎥 Aric and Josh are talking...

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Tailgate Talks: Choosing Your Cover Crops

Agronomy , Feed , Grain

Do you use cover crops? Should you plant rye? Radish? Oats? Don't know?...

Cover Crops 2020
Cover Crops are Gaining Momentum!

Agronomy , Grain

Why is everyone so infatuated with the idea of using them? First, there...

Hagie wilsons fungicide
Want 0% Interest on Fungicides?

Agronomy , Grain

FCS is once again offering 0% interest delayed beginning until January...

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Fungicides are Designed to Help During Crop Stress

Agronomy , Grain

Fungicides that contain additional plant health components such as...

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Grain Contracts Completed Anytime - Anywhere!

Agronomy , Grain

Want to get a contract completed quickly? Need to capitalize on the grain...

Tailgate Talks: Mid-Season Insecticides

Agronomy , Grain

Aric and Tyson are back together and they are talking mid-season...

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Save BIG with Summer Equipment Promotions

Agronomy , Grain

It is important that equipment either increase yield or offer an...