Leading Producers with Innovation and
Excellence - our company’s vision statement
guides us each and every day to provide
innovative solutions to all of our customers.
With our newest offering, Innovation
Assurance, we couple the benefits of
innovation and sustainability by utilizing
cutting-edge products and expertise from
your FCS Agronomy team with the peace of
mind of a money-back warranty.
Innovation Assurance is a program for corn and soybean acres that provides you the ability to try innovative and sustainable products and practices with the comfort of knowing you have a money-back warranty in the event yields don’t turn out the way you expect. Built on the use of 5 Year Adjusted APH, this program will pay you back a predetermined $/acre amount if your APH yield goal is not met. The $/acre payback amounts are based on the tier you have enrolled your acres in within the program.
Each tier includes the use of new, cutting-edge products to qualify those acres for the program.

Innovation Assurance is designed to allow you to try innovative products and sustainable practices that you have maybe thought about doing before but now have the assurance of a money-back warranty if yields don’t turn out how you had hoped.
Ask your local FCS Agronomist for more details and how Innovation Assurance can fit into your operation!