
The vast majority of soybeans are treated prior to planting because of the risk protection and ROI they can provide. However, there are a lot of soybean seed treatment options available on the market today, which can make them hard to sort out which of these tools will best fit your farm.
The first things to consider, what are your goals, past disease or insect pest history, as well as your individual farm management practices to help determine what mix of products best fits your field.
Taking a Field Out of Long-Term Corn on Corn?
Due to heavy corn rootworm (CRW) pressures as well as the current soybean price ratio, there are some fields that have not had soybeans planted for quite a few years. A very big agronomic consideration in situations like this is that you MUST add a seed applied inoculant, failure to do so will lead to significant yield loss. Soybeans are a legume that partner with soil rhizobia to form a symbiotic relationship to help pull nitrogen out of the air and turn it into plant usable nitrogen. Remember, soybeans use a LOT of nitrogen per bushel, however in good soil environments the majority comes from this soil rhizobia normally found in soils. However, fields that have not had a legume in over 5 years will have this soil rhizobia populations significantly diminished which will leave a soybean plant starving for nitrogen. In addition to crop rotations also pay particular attention to fields that have low pH or have had standing water in the past few years which could be impacting soil biological activity.
The best solution for this problem is simple and inexpensive. High quality soybean seed applied inoculants like Preside introduce millions of new live rhizobial bacteria to help recolonize the soil. Even in fields with a recent history of soybeans can still benefit from the addition of new and stronger strains of these bacteria. Watch this video below on how a high yield farmers is using Preside to push the yield plateau.
Does Your Field Have a History of White Mold?
White Mold has been a problem in the area for many years and can devastate soybean yields if not well managed. The best predictor of White Mold is having a past history of the disease. The disease inoculum can last in the soil for years and suddenly become a problem if the proper weather conditions appear. There are many management considerations for this disease starting with the most important which is picking a soybean variety that has a very good tolerance to White Mold. After that factor management such as 15” or wider row width and potentially lowering plant population can improve air movement under the canopy which can help create a less favorable environment for disease initiation.
A relatively new option is the addition of a seed treatment that has White Mold activity such as Right Start. This budget friendly product contains a component of Heads Up in a proprietary blend with another product for Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS). This tool can be a great add on in addition to the key basics mentioned above to help control White Mold. Once we move in season there are also some foliar fungicide and micronutrient options that can have a positive affect as well.
Start with Basic Protection

High quality seed treatments like Warden CX are the best base to build your soybean treatment program with. Warden CX will optimize yield and improve root health and plant vigor by reducing disease and insect damage.
The main disease issues that will impact plant stands and vigor at planting and early emergence for soybeans are Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia, and Pythium. Warden CX provides best in class protection against these yield robbing diseases. In addition to disease, this product also contains the active ingredient of Cruiser insecticide that will provide excellent protection against the overwintering generation of Bean Leaf Beetles as well as some in season control of soybean aphids. These insect pests are both know to have a sizable impact on yield if left unchecked.
A product like Warden CX should always be the base of the seed treatment package and then depending on the need for additional control of pests like White Mold, SDS, or Soybean Cyst Nematode or adding new strains of inoculant can be added.
Have more questions on which seed treatment would work best for your operation? Talk to one of our agronomists today.